
1. 材料是否與合同約定的相符, 包括您的晶片是否 (通常只能由晶元製造商驗證), 電源, 驅動IC, 系統, 所有其他材料均與您的合同一致.
2. 產品拼接的平整度: 顯示幕的拼接可以從正面和側面觀察; 關閉顯示幕是查看拼接情況的最簡單方法.
3. 通過觀察LED螢幕的色彩一致性, 在低灰度條件下識別 LED 螢幕問題最容易. 一般來說, 當顯示幕設置為白色電平時 30, will there be any color deviation on the LED screen when viewed from the front or side!

1 Inspection rules
1.1 Inspection items
Appraisal inspection
Appraisal inspection is divided into design appraisal inspection and production appraisal inspection.
The appraisal and inspection shall be carried out by the department designated by the higher authorities or by the entrusted quality inspection unit.
Sampling method and inspection items
Inspect the hardware usage environment, software usage environment, structure and appearance, safety requirements, performance characteristics, 均勻性, loss of control, and power supply of LED screens.
Randomly selected sets of display units from qualified LED screens shall undergo environmental adaptability testing on schedule
按期對確定的LED螢幕進行可靠性測試. 採用預定、定數截斷測試方案 1-2 GB11463規定.
在檢驗過程中, 允許有次要非致命不合格, 超過此限度的,視為不合格.
品質一致性檢驗分為A組檢驗, C組檢驗, 和F組檢查.
A組檢定的項目在表達式中規定. LED螢幕需要一一檢驗. 任何有缺陷的產品必須退回生產部門修理並重新檢驗.
A組檢驗由LED屏生產單位質檢部門或委託質檢單位進行, 並可於訂購後派代表參加.
對於大量生產的產品, 如果生產中斷超過幾個月, 每批應進行環境適應性試驗. 對於連續生產的產品, 每年應進行一次環境適應性測試. 改變設計時, 製造過程, 主要部件及材料, environmental adaptability testing should be conducted.
The environmental adaptability inspection shall be carried out by the quality inspection department of the LED screen production unit or the commissioned quality inspection unit.
Randomly select sets from the display units that pass the quality consistency inspection in Group A for environmental adaptability testing.
Secondary non fatal non conformities are allowed throughout the entire process of environmental adaptability testing. Continue from the occurrence of non-conforming items after repair
