Composition of LED display screen system and integration with peripheral systems.

Full color LED display screen manufacturer. Today, from a professional perspective, we will analyze and analyze the composition of the LED display system and its integration with peripheral systems.

The LED display system consists of three main parts: the display body, data processing, and control computer.
The control computer is responsible for receiving and processing external signals, and converting the signals into digital signals suitable for the LED screen through a DVI card. The data processing part sends the digital signals generated by the multimedia card to the LED screen through differential and composite processing. The display screen body expresses digital signals in the form of graphical images. Display screen body
The display screen body is mainly composed of a display module, a display driver circuit board, a power supply, and a display unit board. The display module is a display unit composed of pixels. The pixel is embedded with a light-emitting diode (LED). The LED of the dual primary color display screen has two primary colors: red (R) and green (G). By controlling both primary colors to have 256 variations, each pixel can obtain 65536 color tones. The entire display screen composed of tens of thousands of pixels can display colorful image effects.

The display driver circuit board is composed of large-scale integrated circuits and circuit boards. It is connected to the display module in a plug-in manner as the carrier of the display module, while also responsible for transmitting and driving display data. The driver IC adopts a driver chip specifically designed for LED display screens, with advanced control functions such as constant current and adjustable brightness of each LED.
The dedicated DC switching power supply for the display screen provides a constant and accurate working voltage for the display module. This type of switching power supply has a constant voltage characteristic, the output voltage does not change with the load, and has protection functions such as overvoltage, overcurrent, and overheating, which is the basic guarantee for the normal and stable operation of the display system.
data processing
The data processing part consists of a data sending card, a data receiving card, and a high-speed data cable.
The data transmission card is installed next to the control computer and serves as the interface card between the VGA display card and the large screen. Through this card, the data on the VGA display screen is transmitted in real-time to the large screen at a rate of 120 frames per second.
As a carrier for digital signal transmission, high-speed data transmission cables eliminate interference caused by high-frequency weak signal transmission and increase the stability and reliability of the system.

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